Jahan is giving me the hinks.

Jahan is giving me the hinks. What do we really know about her?  Hank Johnson just happens to get wounded at a temple located conveniently somewhere in Anywhere Town, India and presto, then she hustles Hank into finding the Shōnin Stone, whatever that is, and now she's jacked him onto some mystical summoning quest to his own grave in  Afghanistan. If that's creepy, I don't know what is?  Or am I being  a little harsh here?  Does she have some secret good motive that I'm unaware of?


  1. I would agree she has "some" motive, it remains to be seen how altruistic it really is though.

  2. H. Richard Loeb You go for the crazy ones too. Let's not be overly judgemental of Hank Johnson.

  3. Definitely something NQR going on there, but then again, when has anyone involved in XM shown their hand?

  4. If you think the crazification demons peeling away subjectivity from consciousness is just what the doctor ordered then sure, she's peachy. Restoring a theoretical balance doesn't seem like much of an argument for her position.

  5. nahh rich don't worry about it you're an excellent judge of character of women

  6. The ends do not justify the means...

    Even if the fate of humanity is at stake? Maybe the ends do justify the means.

  7. If that's creepy or If that's not creepy?

  8. From the point of view of a woman. Those eyes hide no good. And I'm the evil one.

  9. I'd say it's not any creepier than what the corporations and others have done, the guns just come into play as rapidly as with other groups. I'm going to guess that Jahan and others have been tracking Hank Johnson for a long time, but never had the resources to act, so they had to wait for the opportunity to appear.

    And i'm very curious about that location in Afghanistan, i don't honestly see it as a grave, i think it has the potential for many other things. Too many potential future paths to really tell...

    I still see Jahan as more or less neutral at this point, but very strongly driven. More data is needed.

  10. It does seem coincidence is not anecdotal with the pathway Jahan has taken.

  11. I'm with you H. Richard Loeb​, she's a women possessed and so efficient at moving towards her goal. There is certainly something creepy about it.

  12. you are right H. Richard Loeb  Jahan is a very radical agent of the N'Zeer, which is never a good sign. We see even in the world known for most of the people, unaware the war in the shadows fought by we, the agents.
    Radicalism and fundamentalist groups are always causing chaos, destruction and bloodshed, oppressing everyone else.
    We will se what happens, I hope during the anomalies we can influence the events, and I hope that now we will have some good options too.

  13. Jahan has been using Hank Johnson  for some time now.  It's obvious she wants or needs Hank alive so no need to panic just yet.  Hank is also a smart man he knows what is going on and most likely is just playing along.

    Another note let's also not forget that Hank Johnson can't die.

  14. A nitpick: Mr. Johnson can die, repeatedly.

  15. Jahan seems very motivated. Otherwise she probably would have ethical problems with this proceeding.

  16. What if this is just an elaborate plot to make Shōney's an auto-Portal like Jamba Juice or Zip Car?

  17. Hank is using her to find the truth. Not her truth, not Azmati truth, the truth.

  18. Brian Gaynor I'm relatively new, but I thought Hank Johnson​ could truly die, if you found his real body and destroyed it?

  19. Edwin Wiles As far as I know Hank Johnson has no "real" body.  The body he does use is made up of something called "dark XM". 

    If you watch the videos when Hank gets stabbed you will see the dark XM.


    There was a better video that talks and gives more info but I could not find it.  Sorry.


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