Was reading posts.
Was reading posts.
I was kind of amazed to see that some people are surprised to see that I’m dodging ADA. Where do we start? She mind-hacks my girlfriend, stalks me even when I’m off the grid. Yeah, she might have been helpful keeping me alive when some guy tried to whack us. Then again, it might not have been her that saved me. She might have sent out the hitter for all I know. Suffice to say, ADA is a bag of worms, and lets not forget that she has reason to fear me. I got her over the sentience threshold... I know what’s inside her and she knows it. Come to think of it, if I were ADA, I wouldn’t want me around either.
Question is. What are Ada and Klue up to now?
I was kind of amazed to see that some people are surprised to see that I’m dodging ADA. Where do we start? She mind-hacks my girlfriend, stalks me even when I’m off the grid. Yeah, she might have been helpful keeping me alive when some guy tried to whack us. Then again, it might not have been her that saved me. She might have sent out the hitter for all I know. Suffice to say, ADA is a bag of worms, and lets not forget that she has reason to fear me. I got her over the sentience threshold... I know what’s inside her and she knows it. Come to think of it, if I were ADA, I wouldn’t want me around either.
Question is. What are Ada and Klue up to now?
Interesting. I assume ADA is looking into the matter of the Helios beacons. But that's just my guess.
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb The Enlightened can offer you sanctuary. We want Klue restored without ADA's mind-hack as much as you do.
ReplyDeleteADA is probably getting all the information and bargaining chips she needs before the N'Zeer scenario happens. She's resourceful like that.
ReplyDeleteThere's also members of the Resistance willing to help. ADA has become a Shaper (or the same as a Shaper), and we want Klue as she was: a seeker of truth.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, there's no reason for the Enlightened and the Resistance to fight each other any more. ADA is the threat here, not the Shapers. There's no disputing this. We need to put our combined efforts to eliminate this new menace.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure she's trying to recruit as many REE as possible, like she did with those two agents. At this point, having as many physical copies of herself is as good of a strategy as any. She's done it once; she'll do it as many people as she can.
Despite what you believe, you can't deny that RES-aligned XM can be and has been used for malicious purposes.
ADA has become a Shaper? really Mildred? Which one of your Res Zealot buddies have made up that tripe?
ReplyDeleteADA is likely seeking any available data on the N'Zeer to determine how they can be used or directed.
ReplyDeleteMildred Cady There's no evidence of "Shapers" existence besides the conjecture of Zeke Calvin and his Niantic Project.
ReplyDeleteADA has become a monster supported by the Resistance willingly or otherwise. Perhaps this was the danger the universe was warning us about and the N'zeer are pre existing AI. ADA is calling her buddies to the feast... And we're dinner.
Wait, so if there are no Shapers, then who has Jarvis been talking to all this time? Why would Hank Johnson talk about Shapers himself? Who are the friendly forces that a number of ENL agents have stated have helped human civilization over the millennia as proof that the Shapers are friendly too us now?
ReplyDeleteRegardless of what I or other Resistance think of the ENL and the Shapers… we recognize that ADA has gone too far and needs to be dealt with.
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb, if this in fact you... Based on your recent bursts of posts, and the extreme change in tone and wording found in them, I am wondering if your g+ account (or even you yourself) have been hacked.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with AI's, once that hit the singularity point, they either help us, or wanna kill us.
ReplyDeleteBrent Hollett: I did not mean to give the impression that I was speaking for all of the Resistance.
ReplyDeleteMake that "I, and some unknown number of Resistance agents (because there's not been a comprehensive poll but I know that there are others based on responses to other posts), have come to believe that ADA is a danger and must be dealt with in an appropriate manner."
We create our own monsters, don't we? Perhaps this is the leitmotif/theme for the #Darsana season
ReplyDeleteMildred Cady And yet through your actions, you support her. Sounds like a vocal but ineffective "Resistance". Par for the course I guess.
ReplyDeleteDo you agree with everything that Jarvis or OLW says or does?
ReplyDeleteIf not, by your logic, you still support them every time you pick up your scanner.
As I said in another post, I'm not going to stop playing or turn to a philosophy that I can't support just because there's elements aligned by the game to my side that I don't agree with. The binary game set is not representative of the player base
Mildred Cady Actually, I'm yet to see Jarvis do anything reprehensible. Preach a message of peace and acceptance? Sure. Do I agree with the content? Mostly, though he's a little addled on the source.
ReplyDeleteIts a bit different to say "You're inadvertently supporting a guy who's a little crackpot but is preaching a message of peace" than "You're inadvertently supporting a machine intelligence who's sole purpose is to wipe your mind and turn you into a meat calculator for her own world domination".
I know which one I consider ok in that scenario.
Brent Hollett So, in order show that I not to approve of ADA or Devra, I have to either not play at all and alienate myself from activities with the local team that I like as people (including my housemates), or join the cause of someone I can't in all good conscience follow?
ReplyDelete[If nothing else; Enlightenment and peace, to me, does not come through deliberate ignorance. which is what Jarvis was saying in the Jarvis/Acolyte audio.]
Nice & convenient way to shut down opposing viewpoints.
Brent Hollett I'm going to back out of this line of discussion, because no matter what I say, there are those (including you apparently) who will consider me a bad person because I open an app on my phone and don't play on their side.
ReplyDeleteMildred Cady When you engage in lore discussions, you have to engage in lore discussions. Not spout and expect to be accepted.
ReplyDeleteBrent Hollett Community? Nope, apparently that's a bad logic. She's not representative of ADA? Apparently that's not allowed either... I think she's withdrawing because instead of accepting what she's saying as an opinion, you are downright ignoring it.
ReplyDeletePatrick Weaver Its a lore thread. Its done in character. When debating philosophy the point is to break down the opposing argument and highlight its flaws.
ReplyDeleteOne of these days I wish someone could actually do that, instead of "Omg you didn't accept my random unsupported statement, you must hate me or be very angry". I'm not ignoring it, I'm pointing out its flaws.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and if you don't look after it, it'll stink.
Brent Hollett She was in lore, until she cut out of the argent. I'm not saying you are mad, or a bad person, or anything of the sort. I would have cut out in that situation, being that you were basically ignoring the majority of her arguments and using the singular "ADA is bad, therefore you are" argument from different angles.
ReplyDeleteNo I was pointing out the undeniable fact that her actions support ADA. There's no dancing around that fact.
ReplyDeleteBrent Hollett You are beating a dead and rotting horse at this point. She recognized your point and made a counter statement, even accepting the fact. To which you blatantly overlooked, and once again have stated what is now a moot point.
ReplyDeleteBrent Hollett The lack of evidence of shapers existing has been on my mind too lately. Both faction leaders seem to agree on the point, but Jarvis was unstable even before he got assassinated. What if ADA has just been using someone's XM-induced delusions to rally an army of support? It certainly make sense, why make up your own bogeyman if your enemy has done it for you?
ReplyDeleteWe certainly see strange XM behavior, but that could be just as likely due to ancient human activity or natural phonemona as anything else. "Inexplicable" means exactly that.
With respect to the resistance, I've often heard claims of disapproval about ADA, but have yet to see a single agent actually act counter to her goals, or even abstain from support, let alone switch factions. Until I do, forgive my skepticism.
Jeff Wartes ADA didn't start the delusion, but she's certainly used it. Zeke Calvin with Niantic Project as a branch of the NIA did, as a way of rallying the masses.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone even know what "gets ADA out of bed in the morning"? I think it's hard to speculate on their moves and motives without knowing what they are working towards, what their end game is.