Thanks for the Birthday wishes.

Thanks for the Birthday wishes.  Been tracking a lot of things.  Rumors of Klue/Ada conversations appearing in missions.  Would ask agents in areas where we were together to seek them out.  I'm not sure how they are dropping or who is dropping them, but it seems to me that some pieces are going to come together.  They have been quiet for a while with no explanation.  Silence worries me.

By the way, blowing out birthday candles seems to me to be an odd tradition? Why would you blow out the light?


  1. One step closer to the edge? May be that's what goes through our minds unconsciously when we blow out the candles.

  2. We blow out the light to show we are not afraid of the dark.

  3. It is symbolic of days past and extinguished.

  4. Richard, do you have any suggestions for where those areas may be?

  5. H. Richard Loeb  Do we need to ask agents near magic castle, and where that car wreck happened to hack portals and do missions in order to find some clues?  Are you saying these ADA messages are dropping from portals?

  6. We blow out the flame, to symbolize a wish to stop aging

  7. David Timothy I would start with Santa Monica where the car wreck happened, and Magic Castle in LA.

  8. Mumu's missions!!!     Didn't Mustafa Said make some commemorative missions of those times that H. Richard Loeb and Klue S. spent together????  They have to be it!

  9. For the Ancient Greeks, putting candles on a cake was a special way to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. They baked round cakes to symbolize the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected moonlight.

    Candles on cakes became a popular tradition long ago in Germany, too. For religious reasons, Germans would place a large candle in the center of a cake to symbolize “the light of life.”

    Some scholars believe that other meanings have also been attached to the use of candles on cakes. People may have believed that the smoke from the candles carried their wishes and prayers to gods who lived in the skies. Others probably believed the smoke helped to ward off evil spirits.

  10. Blowing out of the candles is to remind us of our mortal coil, the passage of time and a step closer to our expiry date - that our days on Earth are numbered. And why do we not wish for Immortality?

    And so what if you become immortal. Will birthdays then become irrelevant?

  11. Missions appear to hold some important information. We'll look into relevant locations. Regarding birthdays, that's a can of worms most people gladly don't get into. They like it better to get gifts and attention than to dig into the significance of things.

  12. It seems that a candle on a cake may date back to ancient Greece and the modern practice to 1700's Germany. In both cases the candles represent the light (of the moon for Artemis ) of life. I guess that you blow it out to eat the cake :)

  13. Try to eat a burning cake - you'll know.

  14. Daniel Beaudoin As far as I can remember, I've only made one mission in Santa Monica, not L.A. Just checked and found that out.

  15. Sometimes the light only hinders. If you are surrounded by light you cannot see into the dark. If you are surrounded by darkness you can see both the dark, and the light.

  16. Believe me Eliza Łucja . I've eaten burning cake. At least metaphorically. I haven't a Klue why. And yes. There is a mission in Santa Monica where 855 nearly ended Klue and I. Those were different times.  Ada saved us.  When I read the transcripts later on, it was, maybe, the first time I'd been scared by Ada.


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