So it seems that Redacted wants Hank alive.

So it seems that Redacted wants Hank alive.  The thing that keeps ringing in my head is that Hank Johnson is the 'key'.  Key.  Key to what?  And who plans on using it?  Any way around, it seems like forces are closing in around him. If you're reading this, Hank. Do something unexpected. Unpredictable. Basically, just get the hell off the X.

And a quick note on Antoine Smith (who I suspect is the 'Smith' in this document.  If you recall The Alignment: Ingress, he was nearly a match for both Hank Johnson and Conrad Yeats in the Congo.  He is extremely dangerous.  He and another fellow (Chow? Chen?) were leading a Hulong effort called Strategic Explorations.  That means Hulong is in on this -- and unless I'm very wrong, another friend of ours is playing footsie with Hulong.  

Its time to take a hard look at Hulong.  What's their agenda?  Ni has multiple agendas of her own as far as I can tell.  Fan is sitting on a hornet's next.  And Smith...  Why do I think that he and Mr. Lorazon are about to run into each other... Wouldn't surprise me if Claudia Glass showed up at the party... And there there is going to be a party.


  1. Will Hubert Farlowe be back around as well? IN the Level 8 novel he did work with Glas.

    And I have begun to wonder of it was Smith who helped with the XM break ins at Hulong - would make for an interesting twist.

    Also H. Richard Loeb  did you see the ingress year 2 part 2 report?  I have a question about that as Susanna Moyer shares a definition of what the 13Magnus group is - the definition is couched in the idea of preventing AIs from taking over humans - but we know 13Magnus has been around for a long time - so how does that feed into the early stages of 13Magnus?

  2. There are mysterious players behind the scenes at Hulong who may have agendas even Fan isn't aware of.  Theirs is the least transparent agenda of the three arms makers.  There may be unusually long-lived men at the top of HTG and SE's shared orgchart.

    As for the key, we know ADA viewed Hank as the key to unlocking a way to spawn simulacrum host systems (programmable human bodies) at will.  Since the nest has the secret to immortality and Pevtsov wants to be able to sell those secrets he may view Hank's status as a person who can find the nest as the key to his new world.  If Calvin is truly a member of one of the two ancient cabals then he may view Hank as the key to advantage in their conflict.

  3. Hank Johnson​​s bread crumbs are what makes him valuable, only he can follow his clues where the 13magnus cave is.

  4. I've always wanted to know more about the alliance between Hulong Transglobal​ and Roland Jarvis​ with the development of the Jarvis Virus. Then they agree to assist Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ in attacking Jarvis with Dark XM. No explanation or particular motives revealed. Hulong is easily the most mysterious of the three corporations.

  5. Hulong Transglobal Has introduced cm tech a while back, from what I understand that's what a burster is, a pellet of contained CM

  6. David Ramsey that's one hell of a pellet! Sounds like a matter / antimatter thing.

  7. Lord Necron from my understanding of it, that's an exactly correct analogy. Access level determines the size of the pellets

  8. Lord Necron I just created a post about my understanding of how XM/CM works in the context of this.


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