Seems like Wright and I are on the same page with Yik.

Seems like Wright and I are on the same page with Yik. Should have started closely following Operation Essex  a long time ago. See quote below that begins with this: “I'm going to go with the Osiris and Set mythology. 13Magnus being like Osiris and the Anti-Magnus, Set. I believe the Anti-Magnus splintered from 13Magnus aeons ago due to their dissension with how their secret of immortality or resurrection should be used. Perhaps the 13Magnus are cautious and wanted to keep the secret hidden while the Anti-Magnus want to use it more widely, like Niantic Project and the proliferation of the XM scanner, ushering in a whole new world. Perhaps it also deals with the origin of the N'zeer.”  But more on this later.  

There have been some huge potential developments:

So Devra got axed at the university. We should have figured that. She left the country. Don’t blame her.  And we have no idea what happened to Bobby.  Remember Bobby?  Do we know where she went? Where would I go if I were her?  Have to think about it.  I definitely know that ‘stay on the move, stay off the grid’ feeling.

And then there’s Hank.  If the Essex translations are right, he’s hurt.  How badly?  Is he faking it?  Some kind of a deception operation?   He’s got that ‘on the move’ feeling. It would be interesting to see a match-up between Devra’s hyper aware shapedness and Hank’s Spec Ops training.  I guess I’d bet on Devra in the city and Hank in the wilderness. 

And here’s one from left field:  Anybody know what’s going on with Farlowe?


  1. Farlowe is almost certainly implementing Bogdanovich's new plan.  He's been attached to her ever since failing to kill her.

    As for not following Essex from the beginning, as I recall you were't following much social media at all at the time.

  2. Yik Sheng Lee I think if Smith is responsible he may not be totally responsible as from what I remember he's suffering from exposure to Dark XM. He may be wanting to know how Hank survived exposure without being mutated. Especially since Hank seems to be the best bet to finding King Solomon's cure.

  3. King Solomon. Hmmm…

    I wonder if there's a connection between Solomon's secrets and Alexander's treasures?

  4. Very well could be. It's very likely that Solomon was #13Magnus.

  5. Mildred Cady​ David Ramsey​ there was that Queen of Sheba map Hank had found/used, which, maybe Yik Sheng Lee​ can help clarify but that lead to Hank finding the ancient portal.

    OH, with Hank reset, does that mean that whole adventure in the Thomas Greanias​ book was forgotten?

  6. Maybe there's some correlation between the two maps?

  7. JoJo Stratton​ yes, he's forgotten all of it,he said as much

  8. JoJo Stratton that's why I referenced it. He needs to get back in contact with Conrad.

  9. forgotten for now, JoJo Stratton, but I'm becoming more and more convinced these breadcrumbs are part of the mechanism he set up for restoring the memories that were preserved at Cross Plains during operation #KeepHankWeird

  10. Yik Sheng Lee when did smith become a simulacrum? I'm referencing the one that was infected by dark XM while working for Hulong Transglobal Oliver Lynton-Wolfe was supposed to cure him.

  11. Yik Sheng Lee I gotcha. But what I had been saying is that smith might be on Hank to make him help locate Solomons cure

  12. Valid points. Though I was thinking less of the portals and more of the knowledge of a cure

  13. Devra seems to have found her self a powerful ally someone who is still in the shadows. It is quite possible that it is Ada.

  14. One of the corporation, I think it was Hulong Transglobal​, wanted to get the research for themselves, probably to use it as a weapon, we were thinking, so it would make sense that they wanted Devra Bogdanovich​ too.

  15. Hank and Devra's paths are likely to converge. As so would you H. Richard Loeb​ and Klue S.​ eventually. Perhaps a micro-Darsana point when opposite but complementary pairs meet to unlock an event.

    Perhaps, ADA will have you, klue, hank, jarvis and Devra converge at a single point


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