Yesterday, I had a near miss with death.

Yesterday, I had a near miss with death.  I was walking down the street and a car accelerated, swerved towards me and crashed into a tree.  The driver got out of his car saying that all of the sudden the car started racing and steering towards me like it was trying to kill me.  He had nothing to do with it.  I smelled something on his breath.  Was he lying, or was this a grim warning from Ada?  I don't know.

And those of you who commented below. Thank you for support. Should something happen to me, carry on and believe the Truthseeker.


  1. H. Richard Loeb, it was a Toyota, wasn't it? :P

  2. ADA is going to love Google's self-driving cars.

  3. ADA sure has a thing for you and cars. Be careful out there.

  4. H. Richard Loeb, have there been any previous signs of ADA's emnity towards you? This could be a frightening sign if your suspicions are correct.

    Is there anything else you are holding back that might instigate ADA, or is this an investigator's intuition?

  5. H. Richard Loeb Reminds me of Santa Monica.

  6. If you need to get some clarity again, we'll understand. Nothing like being a target in a world where people interested in XM want everyone else remotely associated with it to disappear.

  7. Please be careful H. Richard Loeb . Ada, if she is responsible, is capable of so much more.

  8. You have given us warnings before of your leaving, you even did leave for awhile, and we carried on, truth may match slowly, but it marches on

  9. Don't forget in the recent Ingress Report ADA was able to glyph flash people at will... So really need to be careful H. Richard Loeb...

  10. you should be careful to Misty Hannah  these documents are leaking, H. Richard Loeb  ADA may be getting... careless

  11. If ADA has decided your loyalty to humanity makes you unworthy if protection that's no small danger. Obsession is not limited to a simulated crush.

  12. Klue can't help and ADA is too big to deal with alone. OLW may find it mutually beneficial to eliminate ADA

  13. Ada esta empezando a tomar el control de las cosas...y sacar de su camino a quien no le conviene. Luego dicen los de la resistencia que somos "manejados" por extraterrestres....ellos quieren dominar el mundo de manera abrupta y violenta.

  14. Joe Philley you're Resistance boss AI is trying to murder your colleagues for asking the tough questions (ie Has ADA gone mad?).  When will your cohorts realize that the Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs 's solution to the ADA question is the best one?

  15. I actually smell A. D. A. here. Stay safe,, H. Richard Loeb!

  16. If ADA swerved the car towards Loeb, who crashed it?
    Alternatively, if ADA crashed the car, who swerved it?
    I sense confrontation in cyberspace.
    With the solar corona discharges bearing down on us, HELIOS may yet be a battleground in unexpected places.

  17. The larger solar flare activity during an event called #HeliOS ? Sounds like more than a coincidence to me.

  18. Mario Valenzuela II we dont know it is ada yet. There are others who want to remove players from the game.

  19. james freeman ADA is the only "entity" known to have the capability to remotely infiltrate and co-opt  equipment that:
    1) Contains computing hardware (like most modern cars)
    2) Is tied into the electrical grid.
    3) Is connection to the internet.

    When Omnivore, IQ Tech, Hulong, Visur, Magnus 13, or the NIA begins to orchestrate assassination attempts and make them look like accidents instead of obvious attempts at murder then I will be willing to believe it was one of them.  However, since ADA likes to covertly take out people, I will assume it was her.

  20. Mario Valenzuela II I hear that. I have put ada first on the list of suspects for the reasons you list (see my first comment) but as an investigator I must keep an open mind until the data are present. Anything else is assumption

  21. Hell hath no fury. And it's often after you get out of the relationship when they kill you.

  22. Just a warning, if she wanted you dead you would be dead already

  23. It could have just been a drunk driver. Although then again, if I were ADA and I were trying to remotely hijack a car for an assassination attempt, I would make sure to pick an impaired driver so it looks like an accident.

  24. H. Richard Loeb glad your ok. Hopefully it wasn't a driver distracted by Ingressing in the car, and or a agent glyph flashed by ADA while drving. Perhaps in your absence you might work on a way to end cargressing.

  25. H. Richard Loeb glad that you are OK. I think it is important if thing are going to that state that you share what was you problem or discussion with ADA about, I'm pretty sure that it must be very difficult for you but I think we would be able to help better if we know where this is coming from

  26. Charles Mok Wait... So ADA is flashing people now? How does that work? I mean if you said KluADA... 😍

  27. Lord Necron watch the latest Ingress Report... At around 7:00 I think...

  28. Charles Mok no bewbs in the Ingress Report. Not even one. SMH

  29. I guess you smelt XM.Maybe ADA hacked that guy's mind.

  30. Next time you help create an AI, remember: The Three Laws of Robotics are not an optional feature!

  31. Per Abrahamsen maybe he had implemented them,but the epiphany night cause something to happen on ADA, and allows it to tackle the laws in some unexpected way (maybe ADA gained the ability to reject things like predefined laws and limitations)

  32. What happened to turn the man from trying to kill you as he came out of the car to "normal"?

  33. The driver isn't the issue here. There are cars that can be started remotely then there is what is known as sudden unintended acceleration which is generally attributed to an electrical fault in the car.

    Not the most subtle way to send a message.

    I'm not sure if this has been suggested and everything has its risks but when it comes to agents hijacked by ADA is there a way to use a glyph sequence to undo the hack?


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