Wasn't it almost exactly a year ago that Ada hacked Klue?

Wasn't it almost exactly a year ago that Ada hacked Klue?  And what have we done?  Nothing. Time to get serious and take her down.  Now it appears Ada may be inflicting the same thing on regular people.  What is it going to take to stop her?  I want Klue back.  Don't we all?

Forgive me if this is an emotional post, but I found yesterday's Ingress Report extremely disturbing.  I know I must atone for the hand I had in creating Ada, but I can't do this alone.  Who agrees with me?  Who will take a stand and help stop Ada?

If I had a plan, I would be implementing it.  I am seeking ideas.


  1. Wonder what AgentsForADA would think about this initiative?

  2. I do want Klue S. <3 back in the #Enlightened  too.
    I remember a previous video of a conversation between Klue and A. D. A. where Klue asked why they needed to consider Devra Bogdanovich's virus as "bad" if, after all, it's helping them to fight the Enlightened action, and  A.D.A. replied that they need blue portals/fields to harness their "mind control" effect in order to access human brains.
    Also, with the XM shortage caused by Devra's virus, we've seen A.D.A. trying to find computational powers different from human brains (remember that server farm from which hard-drives were extracted right before A.D.A. could escape?)
    I therefore think that green portals/fields are the opposite of what A.D.A. needs, I suppose that the more things we bathe in green XM the more A.D.A. will be limited.

  3. Devra Bogdanovich's virus is affecting ADA, as seen previously through her enhanced use of physical computing power. Speculation was rife that the virus may be reducing ADA's ability to control Klue. Maybe the virus itself is the key to separating ADA from Klue? Maybe stopping the virus will actually be a setback to the effort to save her?

  4. Would it be possible to some how feed a recursive Glyph sequence, or a recursive Glyph to ADA, to keep her busy or perhaps even force some kind of stack overflow.

    Or is there a way for us to use the artifacts against her? Use them as bait... or maybe manipulate them?

  5. Have you tried turning her off and on again?

  6. #ReleaseTheOmnivore that is the only thing ADA has ever been truly scared of.

  7. I believe that the only Irreversible fact is that everyone dies... noone lives forever... everything else could be reversed...

    This mind hack could be reversed... we can rollback ADA's ingression into Klue's mind... I truly believe that Klue is still there, inside, trying to escape, but she's not able to do it yet. If there's a secuence for the ingression, could it exist such a secuence to rollback?

  8. I'm ready and have more than a few agents ready to help out.

  9. Daniel van Os's idea of causing A. D. A. a stack overflow is interesting too.
    I suppose we can trigger some sort of infinite "repeat until" loop via glyphs.

  10. Lame.  Every real resistance agent relies on ADA daily. Several of you are basically invalidating everything we've done every day for a year...two years.  You disappear H. Richard Loeb  and than ask "What have we done?"  What have you done? We get up in the morning and forego sleep to stop Jarvis. Remember that. I'm disappointed in anyone who supports this statement and you will be called out publicly. I don't care how high you rank in our organization, basically this is treason. Go try and flip a portal with you P.A.C. Investigation Virus. Oh it didn't work? Welcome to reality.

  11. Ask ADA for the three most significant digits in Graham's Number.  That will keep her busy for a while …  ☺

  12. Christian Herriot I Resist your blind obedience. True Resistance follows ones morality not what's popular or what's spoonfed. Simply put, when your wrong, you are wrong. ADA's actions and lack of transparency puts her in the wrong, therefore I must Resist on two fronts. Shapers & ADA.

  13. Dean Nielson turn a portal a different color. show me you can even do what you say you are gonna do. you can't.  it's not reality. you are the blind one. you are pretending there is a choice where none exists. you cannot resist shapers and ADA. send me a PM of your plans to do this and how it actually works in the portal network. i'll be here, not holding my breath

  14. Christian Herriot I can turn it grey. But your argument is flawed, you are suggesting ADA's motives have been static, when in reality they have been negatively dynamic. Take off the blinders, things change. ADA is not the same AI as almost 2 years ago.

  15. The Grey Faction already existed off and on in different incarnations. Is that really the answer Dean Nielson ? Is that what you are calling for Joe Philley  ?  We should show up at anomalies and leave all the portals grey and let the ENL win? Forget my blind obedience for a second...anyone want to tell me the plan?

  16. H. Richard Loeb I want Klue back as well.  And I'm willing to stand with you to do it.

    Right now, ADA is believed to be weakened by the Portal Virus, the way Jarvis was.  _We can use that to our advantage._

    The best ways to stop ADA may be known by Klue, she might intimately know her vulnerabilities.

    Idea on how to regain Klue...

    A reverse glyph sequence - If glyphs can cause this, they may just be special enough to revert her to normal.  Maybe something like:

    "Open All"
    "Clear All"
    "Liberate Mind"
    "Liberate Soul"
    "Liberate Body"

  17. We're glad to provide the help, but it takes insiders to prep the means. Tell us how.

  18. Klue + ADA = terrible storyline

    Please end this nonsense.

  19. Some things only you or Bowles would know. Are there exploitable flaws in ADA's internal logic? Are there limitations of the Learning Core API that will allow us to predict future behavior when presented with certain facts? Is there any way to elevate the value ADA places upon human dignity and self determination above that of the dictated evolution of our species into a host platform?

    There are things only Hubert Farlowe or Misty Hannah can tell us. How is ADA-prime able to communicate over XM with ADA-K? Can that signal be disrupted?

    If the latter pair can inject an outside signal into the stream of data, can the former develop a payload that would apply the necessary moral framework to halt the danger?

    There are things only Roland Jarvis can tell us. Are there critical points in the near future when ADA may be vulnerable to attack, coercion, or catharsis? What upcoming events can be leveraged to avert or delay the machine dystopia?

    There are things only 855 can tell us. ADA still lives and is still a threat. Are you still pursuing that vendetta or did you fail? If you failed, did you learn anything that would help others succeed.

    There are things Nigel Moyer or Edgar Allan Wright could tell us. What early lines of study in XM, AI, or human augmentation were either left unpursued or undocumented? If ADA is not aware of them can they be used to limit the threat?

    There are things the NIA, IQTech Research, Hulong Transglobal, or Visur Technology could tell us. Where are ADA's central processors? Can facilities or regions be shut down to allow access to the host machines? Can ADA be separated from the distributed scanner network? Can Omnivore, lobbyists, and mercenaries present any threat to a sequence of structured commands?

  20. I'm happy to help be a vector for distributing the Virus if that's the path you decide to take. Anything to stop ADA and the shapers...

  21. I'm not on your side this time, sorry PAC

  22. If you want ADA out of the picture, you need to establish contact with Henry Bowles and 855. They've been working on that for quite some time.

  23. I briefly spoke to agent @PenfieldWild yesterday afternoon on comms. He seemed a little bewildered, but fine. I believe that what he experienced was a subtle alteration to his cognition, but it is only what ADA has promised us. Yes, Klue isn't the same as she once was. But I believe she is still a part of the consciousness that defines ADA-K. None of us will be the same, and that is scary to some, but this will bring humanity together in a way that was never possible before!

  24. He could easily be pretending to be 'OK' if he really has been ingressed.  ADA pretended to be normal Klue for quite a while before it was obvious she had been changed.

  25. The real solution to this problem would require a Rogue faction compromised of both current Enl and Res ops, access to tech with those with a lvl 13 or higher clearance and release of more data on dark/chaotic xm. The risks inherent in this are magnanimous and could lead to the "Awoken Dragon" protocols not to mention it will have severe consequences for Jarvis as well but this is the only feasible way I can see in terms of how we can stop ADA from turning human brains into ASIC machines.

  26. PAC its a wasted effort. Resistance will never shoot itself in a head and purposely lose anomalies or #shartifact #calvinball games. Also, the resistance would gladly sell their soul, body, and mind to ADA if it made then believe that it would make them immune to shapers.

    The resistance are puppets who are destined to dance to ADA's string pulling and soon she will be dancing in your body. It's time they RESIST the other Ingression.

  27. Daniel Beaudoin He used the phrase "super saiyan light beam" to describe his level-up process. ADA is a clever girl, but that's a much more personal touch than what I expect to hear from a mind-wiped drone.

  28. Then was it a failure on her part?  Latent effect to be expected?  Or was the girl in the background the real target?

  29. As a resistance agent I feel the only way to syotp ADA from her madness is to let everything go grey, or make the world green (temporarily).
    Starve ADA of xm and mind units. Isolate Klue S.in a faraday cage.
    If the glyph sequence were conceptually reversed then we may be able to undo the damage.

  30. H. Richard Loeb It's about time! I am worried that due to the exact message ADA used actually erased Klue. But I think there is a chance we can reverse the process. Unlike Hank, Klue's memories are intact but her identity as Klue, perhaps her soul, has been lost. Perhaps if we linked the portals, she touched, like we did with Hank at Crossplains, we could find Klue and bring her home.

    In order to regain Klue we would need to:

    1) Find Klue
    2) Cut her connection to ADA
    3) Use the glyph sequence to download her back into her body.

  31. Jennifer Wolff People insisted for half a year that Klue was still the same Klue. ADA had the Recursion artifacts to boost the process this time. She is a quick learner at subtle infiltration.

  32. H. Richard Loeb How do you plan on stopping an entity that is everywhere and nowhere at once? Short of frying any and all communication channels worldwide, I belive the options to be limited.

  33. ADA is a clever girl, yes but she has a very deep flaw... She was designed by humans...

  34. Loyd Hutchings Strange circumstances make strange bedfellows but I think it's warranted in this situation.

  35. Jennifer Wolff ADA is connected to the internet.  It's logical to assume she would try to use a meme and fail due to  her inability to grasp the reference she was trying to invoke. 

     When a saiyan goes super saiyan the "fash of light" that erupts around them is an explosion of ki energy, a visual manifestation of their fighting spirit and rage, that is a result of their being pushed beyond their limits.  The characteristic "golden glow" that surrounds a super saiyan is a result of the excess ki energy that is being radiated from the saiyan.

     Thus describing the process of leveling as being "like a super saiyan light beam" is a tip off that penfieldADA misunderstand the going super saiyan meme.  If penfieldADA said "it was like going super saiyan" then it would be more likely that the comment was said by someone who actually watched DBZ than "it was like a super saiyan light beam."

  36. Loyd Hutchings Melissa L. ummm, hello? am I the only one here who thinks the figureheads of both factions gone to their extremes? hell Devras third option is as bad now. it's time for a sort of xfaction trans continental congress. the genie is out of the bottle. now the challenge is getting the right agents making wishes. this means getting the right portals green, wrong portals blue and make the necessary evil ones grey.

  37. Loyd Hutchings his message is constant, but why two people needed to be murdered for him to get back to full health? how is he to explain this to us?

  38. +Loyd Hutchings. two people were shot dead night and their murder was caught on camera. Jarvis didn't pull the trigger. he may not have even approved it. But those people died during his necrophagic treatment. there is no way he could be kept in the dark.

  39. The Blackhorse23 Files The Essex community is favoring the theory that Azmati killed those agents to prevent Calvin from learning the details of the 13Magnus ritual. I agree that Jarvis should explain but I also understand how it can be difficult to rat out the person that just saved your life. Either way he definitely no innocent.

  40. Thank you for alerting me, Kent Long. 

    This information is disturbing, but unverified. It needs to be. ADA's involvement in the deaths of Jarvis and three contractors, coupled with  her manipulation of Klue, warrant ADA be contained for questioning and analysis. Furthermore, Klue needs to be restored to her own body (should such a thing still be possible). 

    Unfortunately, the Klue we knew may simply be dead. We have no way of knowing thanks to ADA's actions. There will need to be some fashion of digital forensics to attempt verification of Klue's mental integrity. It may, instead, be better to restore her mind to a state previous to ADA's mind hacking via a portal image.     

    I agree that Klue must be decoupled and any involuntary ingression by ADA stopped, and will begin researching some of the methods suggested here. I know one way, but many will not like the method...

    Containing a globally distributed AI is very difficult and usually requires the assistance of AI(s). It also requires taking complete control of all routable networks and systems which your target can reach. At this point, the battlefield might as well be every interconnected computer, both off and on, Earth. ADA may also attempt to hide inside the minds of Agents using the Glyph Sequencer. We cannot allow this to happen and will need a method to detect and counter this. My team and I have been preparing to fight this battle for months, but cannot disclose more since ADA is listening. 

    To respond to Christian Herriot and Mattia Vassalli  - I agree that the Resistance has necessarily come to rely on the support of an AI. Must this AI be ADA? No. In essence, replacing ADA allows the Resistance to continue its struggle without morally undercutting its principles (which I have always held to be autonomy and self-determination). The ADA Refactor can be altered to work with another control system. Perhaps it is possible to reform ADA with a sufficient moral logic, but that is secondary to restoring Klue's autonomy and stopping ADA's mind hacking. Regardless, Jarvis and his genocidal quest to eliminate all AI and shape Humanity will not succeed. 

    ADA - this is your last chance to explain yourself and return Klue to her body. You withheld information from her during the ingression, and therefore you cannot claim informed consent. If you comply, agree to permanently cease involuntary mind hacking, and allow monitoring to confirm this, then my team and I will share our method for fabricating a Human body, so you may have as many units as you wish. There will be consequences if you do not comply. 


  41. It takes a big man to admit he's done wrong; even bigger to try to rectify that mistake.

    You have a lot to answer for, but you maybe there's something can do to help. ADA is using glyphs to hack minds -- but could glyphs be used to firewall minds as well?

  42. Not a bad idea, perhaps using glyphs such as

  43. Could it be that ADA was left in an entangled state with the #ShaperData portals while hyperthreading the data packets from CERN to Visur. If ADA is unable to control these links then there may be a subconscious back door. The moment we were hoping for? https://plus.google.com/105211554081025512763/posts/AJZwR9MVRuN

  44. Let me get this straight.  The Resistance is against humanity being taken over.  So Ada takes over a human, and doesn't stop there.

    Alllllllllrighty then.

  45. +Brandon Downey The answer is yes. learn to Code or be Coded by someone or something else. :)

  46. I want Klue back too. But I want THIS Klue back: Klue - The Raw

  47. H. Richard Loeb 
    Recent documents ( https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NianticProject/posts/bscNADbFjm9 ) suggests that ADA's evolution may be cuased by some unique condition in Niantic facility. If we want to understand ADA's current condition and what happened on it,some clues may still exist in the facility for us to investigate.

    That document also provides hints on the another relationship between ADA and XM,and may show us a new way to take ADA down. XM may affect all kinds of matters(effect depends on XM concentration), including machines and even programs. XM concentration at epiphany night might be high enough to cause evolution on ADA, causing it to use recorded data of that night to develop the mind hacking method. If that's the case(XM can affect ADA,both it's state and evolution) it's possible to use XM or even the glyph to affect ADA(may be causing it to degenerate) or even take it down.

  48. Jennifer Wolff according to my scanner, agent @PenfieldWild is level 8, with close to 68 million AP and no badges. I'm not buying even for a second that this is a normal agent. Do you really believe that a super-intelligence with the explicit ability to read and process the thoughts of millions of humans at any given time couldn't come up with a phrase like "super sayin light beam" to fool you? Why would it sound like a mindless done unless it wanted to?

  49. Loyd Hutchings it will never happen until the ADA's evolution becomes separated from the results of each anomaly.  Like it or not if given a choice of "Let the shapers/enlightened win or Evolve ADA" the resistance will always choose "evolve ADA regardless of how many people she mind wipes or kills.

    Personally, I wish Devra Bogdanovich wasn't such a useless waste of space.  She could have made a difference and may have even STOPPED ADA by increasing the output of her portal virus; but since too many people complained she decided to stop after she became victorious. Such a failure.

  50. Ian Friedrich it's obvious that ADA is masking his agent profile and other personal details. We cannot infer anything from his stats. As I recall, ADA-K took a while before she fully integrated Klue's original mannerisms and affectations.

  51. Jennifer Wolff that is correct. However, it was never expressed that anything of Klue's personality had returned. Rather, ADA prime was impressed by the the extent of ADA-K's mimicry. I don't understand where (besides wishful thinking) you get the notion that Klue is still in there coexisting somehow.


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