HOW MANY DEALS WITH HOW MANY DEVILS: Before the moment passes, we should take a look at the Calvin/Lynton-Wolfe...

HOW MANY DEALS WITH HOW MANY DEVILS:  Before the moment passes, we should take a look at the Calvin/Lynton-Wolfe conversation.  If you remember, it was a year or so ago that Jarvis lured Lynton-Wolfe out of IQTech and then nearly killed him after his failure at Cassandra.  Or was it that Lynton-Wolfe tried to double-cross Jarvis? I can hardly remember myself.  Now, they're speaking again. Not that I'm thrilled about the subject matter. I've yet to hear anything good about Dark XM.  Can some kind of alliance with Jarvis (who may or may not be with us) be in the offing?  Calvin also seems to have re-forged his alliance with Lightman and Schubert, but I don't think they were ever really on the outs. Is Calvin trying to re-form the Niantic Team?  Is an entreaty to Devra far away?  (Somehow he's got to get past the 'Bobby' incident.).  And what has become of Bobby?  There's a lot going on under the surface here.  And why do I get the feeling that all of them are beginning to have some very dark forebodings about the true meaning of the artifacts?


  1. The game must end somehow. Where will the story go next? A name of a game may or may not be included.

  2. Calvin is playing a very dangerous game. Obviously he expects high rewards and his actions suggest he thinks he understands the risks. But does he? Does anyone?

  3. Calvin is quite the web spinner. And Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is quite the opportunist. We have many unanswered leads, the worst of which is the current situation of Roland Jarvis. I would note though, that Dark XM is necessary in stabilizing some XM constructs, if you could consider that a good thing.

  4. The times and priorities are changing fast around NIA and the XM research companies. Where will the path lead the agents? Devra wants to rid the world of all XM. The Resistance vowed to defend the humans from Shaper ingression, but was betrayed by ADA who wants to Ingress the mind of everyone in order to use them as a type of co-processor. The Enlightened leader Roland Jarvis is openly discussing the end of the enlightenment as we knew it... Where will all this lead? We don't know but it will be a wild ride.

  5. We still don't know what the Bobby incident was. Calvin is too smart for the surface story to make any sense.

  6. I think that even if jarvis tried to kill olw, olw wants to study jarvis in his actual condition and the effects of dark xm on him

  7. I say it's all propaganda. "Dark" XM. "Dark" forebodings. A "dark" path. It's like some computer algorithm examined titles of fantasy novels and noticed that "dark" was the most-used word, and started using it to further stir up fear. Bah. It's merely a less-well-understood manifestation that needs thorough study. I would expect a few simple, sensible precautions would suffice to allow safe exploration of this fascinating-sounding material.

  8. I think that Roland Jarvis's existence currently relies on delicate balance of XM and Dark XM. Since the natural XM network has been under strain since the portal virus release, his balance has been thrown off. With less XM to nourish him, it appears that the Dark XM is taking control, causing him to lash out and his body to destabilize. It may even begin to mutate...

    And "Bobby" for all we know may have been one of the 20% that didn't make it through the "inoculation" tests after he was caught..

  9. are the artifacts a start/end point in a cycle?


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