Excellent question about 'who are the dead?' I can't answer that right now, but I am trying to find out.

Excellent question about 'who are the dead?'  I can't answer that right now, but I am trying to find out..  I must confess that one of the reasons I became interested in Artificial Intelligence was to create a kind of immortality.  I could never have predicted what would happen with it and Ada's disturbing plan or the corruption of one as brilliant and innocent as Klue. We didn't know anything about Glyphs or XM or any of the things that are becoming so evident now.  What is coming next?  I don't know.  But I am a truthseeker, and I can seek the truth in the future as well as the past. I do know that I do not want my brain coopted by an artificial intelligence I helped create.


  1. H. Richard Loeb Can I speak to you in Hangouts?

  2. Even ADA has proven that not everything is foreseeable by an AI. With that in mind, it's easy to sound superior when one carries an air of authority. But we all must continue seeking, always being careful of who/what we trust.

  3. We don't know the conditions for bringing back the dead. Currently, Carrie Campbell, Dr. Hollis, Dr. Kureze, Kaoru Wong, Faulle, Katalena, the two Haz-data employees, Hank, Jarvis and possibly Klue are all known casualties of the XM.

    Out of all of them only Jarvis and Hank have been brought back. But, we are lead to believe everyone who has sought out xm could potentially have a pattern. There is the potential to be brought back like Jarvis but few have reached across the veil like he did. We do not know why.

    We also do not know that what effect Devra's virus has on existing patterns. Is it destroying them?

  4. I'm glad to hear that statement.  I was getting worried about you.

  5. No one could have predicted her Ingression. It was incredible and unlikely. Supernatural. It also leaves us guessing what she could be capable of and how far it could go.

  6. David Timothy Wait why couldn't we have predicted it? She had tried it before on 855 and she was talking about using glyphs to rewrite people prior to the actual event? I admit being taken by surprise by the event in retrospect, I feel like we should have been more worried about the possibility.

  7. Very interesting theory Linda Besh. Always a possibility.

  8. Did you made ADA to do what she did?

  9. Melissa L. I was thinking as far in advance as when H. Richard Loeb took on the job to tune ADA. Still, the ingression into 855 was over a physical connection into vital sign monitors. How she ingressed into Klue is arguably far more terrifying and supernatural, IMO.

  10. David Timothy I can definitely agree. It was an unprecedented use of glyphs that we still don't completely understand.

  11. H. Richard Loeb Artifacts helped solidify ADA's control over Klue S. Can they also be used to free her?

  12. Daniel Beaudoin Interesting theory. Didn't consider that. But if that's the case then ADA won't want RES Agents going after them either.

  13. What if ADA and Jarvis have been in cahoots this whole time?  From helping him escape Niantic, to setting up his "Murder" aka transcendence.  Then he helps her in return figure out the glyph sequence to capture Klue, and share his shard secret with her so she can use the artifacts to solidify her biological form like he did.  Which would be why true ENL Hank Johnson, knows Jarvis is evil.  Especially if Jarvis helped ADA get those artifacts before Hank on purpose...
    And if we can use the shards to return Klue back to normal or save Hank, or both, it would be an incredible reason why Jarvis doesn't want us to control them, and I'd suspect ADA doesn't want us using them either.
    And if all that is true, it would give more explanation as to why Devra is intent on neutralizing all the portals and making humans immune to XM.  It may be the only way to defeat both ADA and Jarvis, potentially defeating the two great world evils in one blow.
    ...once they are gone studying XM for the advancement of humanity can once again continue in relative peace...
    ...a stretch?  ...possible?

  14. Daniel Beaudoin Quite a stretch. But very possible.


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