Eerie Silence on the Hunt for 1331

Eerie Silence on the Hunt for 1331
A couple months ago, we saw repeated attempts for the NIA to recapture 1331 (AKA November LIma). We saw what appeared to be dumped bodies, vanished vehicles, hunts for 1331 that ended up with a shot down drone. There was a lot of speculation on what was inside 1331. Then, suddenly everybody stops talking. Why? What’s in there?  Who is this driver, anyway? For now it seems to move from place to place like a  ghost ship.  Silence is always unnerving?  Has the NIA given up or have they regained control?


  1. Or they always had control, Its just a question of who in the organization was steering the ship.

  2. It announces its stops in advance. Let us know what to check.

  3. November Lima, please check your message at the white courtesy phone.

  4. Perhaps 1331 has become less of a priority for them than other matters at hand?

  5. Farlowe is… unique. IIRC, he still has his original body, so perhaps it takes less XM than for other constructs, like Roland Jarvis and Hank Johnson ?

  6. It is interesting that this topic come up. I was thinking the same thing. Focus has shifted to the artifacts, so nobody is looking to #nl1331 anymore.

  7. Some of these questions are good reminders of things we take for granted. People are glad to hack the November Lima mobile portal, but don't ask 'how is that even possible?' Yik Sheng Lee put it well though, at least for what we think we know.

  8. Ethan Lepouttre might have information

  9. I always wondered if any of the research for November Lima was carried out at ORNL here in Tennessee.
    There are a lot of hush hush experiments there. 
    Researches seem to be able to be in 2 locations at the same time on some occasions.
    Researchers working appeared to also be playing golf at the local country club.

  10. I wish I could do that, William TNSheep . I don't think we've seen Hubert Farlowe hyperthread to any golf courses- yet.

  11. Behind his easy going demeanor and charm Ethan Lepouttre could be the devil.

  12. H. Richard Loeb I agree the silence is troubling. November Lima represents a great deal of value particularly now when everyone is hurting for xm a portal on wheels is a tempting possibly. I can't imagine that with reserves low as they are that the corporations and the nia aren't looking to 1331 to help bolster they're failing supply. Perhaps this is the silence before the storm for November Lima.


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