Eerie Silence on the Hunt for 1331

Eerie Silence on the Hunt for 1331
A couple months ago, we saw repeated attempts for the NIA to recapture 1331 (AKA November LIma). We saw what appeared to be dumped bodies, vanished vehicles, hunts for 1331 that ended up with a shot down drone. There was a lot of speculation on what was inside 1331. Then, suddenly everybody stops talking. Why? What’s in there?  Who is this driver, anyway? For now it seems to move from place to place like a  ghost ship.  Silence is always unnerving?  Has the NIA given up or have they regained control?


  1. Are we entirely certain the van being paraded around the country with Ethan Lepouttre is the genuine November Lima or has that entire goodwill tour been a ruse to distract the searchers?  I doubt the NIA intel package would permit our hand scanners from seeing the difference.

  2. Following them one step behind is easy... Being one step ahead sounds tougher.

  3. A lot of Resistance and Enlightened agents seems to meet up with November Lima. Given that the interest of NIA often proves fatal, that may be unwise.

    So, Dr. H. Richard Loeb, would you agree that agents for their own safety should stay away from the vehicle?

  4. it seems like it and that vehicle has xm power and also able to move portals as they wish to each city. Some control over xm generation from portals and planting them?

  5. H. Richard Loeb Are you OK? Did you forget that you have already posted this same post this morning?

  6. Ana Prados Could be bad reception- phones can double submit if data signal is lost and picked up again. Knowing his ties to ADA, it could easily be something more sinister, though.

  7. Mike Wissinger a decoy.... hmmm, while the other is hunted by Hubert Farlowe   someone else that has been silent lately...

  8. There was a point during the Interitus anomaly series where the van and its driver went their separate ways. The van was handed over to a Google employee and the driver went to a different destination. It was implied that the NIA issues had been resolved somehow at that point. We have seen video of two identical Interstate vans with the November Lima markings on them. Perhaps the real one was concealed in the Arizona desert and the second decoy only has the limited portal creation tech on board and not whatever greater thing the NIA was seeking.

  9. hmm double post, 4 hours apart, both at 13 minutes past the hour. XM causing quantum time loops now?

  10. My sources tell me Joe Philley hasn't been in control of November Lima for some time now.
    The resistance operation to take control of 1331 has so far only been partially successful- Ethan Lepouttre has been spotted with the vehicle in several occasions, but he tells me he has little to no control over when and where it goes. It has appeared at nearly every north American primary anomaly since recursion. I've only had brief encounters with 1331, barely enough time to place a tracking device on it and take basic readings.

    It does seem to be the world's only mobile portal- but no one has publicly announced how; or more importantly why.

  11. NIA never gives up, they just let it go for a while


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