With disillusionment growing and events spinning out of control, I will be returning to the investigation very soon.

With disillusionment growing and events spinning out of control, I will be returning to the investigation very soon.  New Initiates into the "Game" known as Ingress must know the truth and I will, once again, guide them on their journey.  

The Irony that this all began around Comic-Con in 2012 is not lost on me.  

The new Ingresstigation begins with one question:  What in Hell is going on?  There are sides within sides, factions within factions, motives within motives.  We must regain clarity.

For those of you who are just pulling on the thread, I suggest you look at this:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLANmnh-zSy2kQ8XXWD3FqMXQteqPcvhvr


  1. Welcome back! Please rejoin the Essex community. There's a team of enthusiastic Truth Seekers who feel exactly the same. Good luck to us all!

  2. It's been a long time. I was getting worried about you.

  3. The original question is still unanswered... It's the time to solve it:
     - What is the Niantic Project?

  4. This is music to my ears H. Richard Loeb .  We need you now more than ever.

  5. Welcome back P.A. , i hope you have learned much and have something interesting to share

  6. By the way H. Richard Loeb, we're kinda a little upset at your girlfriend's plans for enslaving all of humanity. :)

  7. Drew Dondero ... or at least hope she realizes the benefits of diversity before doing anything drastic.

  8. Welcome back, H. Richard Loeb. I think the world need you more than never before.
    Drew Dondero , where has you left your empathy?

  9. Glad to see your safe and sound P.A. Looking forward to what the future holds in these bleak times.

  10. Good to see you back in the thick of it.  Given what we've seen from your project within the Niantic Project we can use your insights.

  11. Great to see you H. Richard Loeb. Funny that I was just complaining about the ridiculous lack of clarity with the current state of the investigation.

  12. Welcome back H. Richard Loeb, we in the investigative community have sorely missed your presence and insights. Hopefully you will help bring the clarity that we so badly need.

  13. Welcome back! It's time to don the tin-foil at again! We also look forward to any insights you may be willing to share from your time away.

  14. The question is what the hell are you up too? I fear you have lead us all down the garden path for your own benefits and ADA and Klue may just be the highest valued pieces in your chess game and they are just your puppets as well!

    Why did Klue feel you where pushing for the AI/Human merger? I think before we can trust you again, I think you need to answer your very own question, what the hell have you been up too?

  15. It will be good to see you in the thick of things again. But don't just reject Klue's words to you. I think she and ADA are detecting the same thing coming that Jarvis is, except they have a plan to deal with it.

  16. Glad to have you back, is this return a form of redemption for you?

  17. Good to have you back H. Richard Loeb. Nikolas Moore

  18. Glad to see the hearld of the #truthseekers returns to his rightful place in the world


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