Thank all of you for your concern and comments about my return to the investigation.

Thank all of you for your concern and comments about my return to the investigation.  I was distracted for a time. At some point, we will discuss all of this. I still have some unfinished business. But to the problem at hand. The clock it ticking. We are nearing Comic-Con, which is when all of this began.  

Here is how I see the present situation.  Devra has unleashed a vaccine or an inoculation or a virus (they can sometimes be the same thing: like smallpox to cowpox) which threatens to choke off the portals (I am speaking metaphorically, not strictly scientifically).  OLW (Oliver Lynton-Wolfe) has taken the counter measure of unleashing millions of new Ingress Agents who unwittingly think they are playing a game, to keep the XM flowing through the portals and thus keep the Ingression alive.

Curiously, I cannot speak to what Ada and Klue are thinking or doing at this moment.  I am working in a 'Blindspot' right now and am shielded from them for obvious reasons.  But it is my working hypothesis that Ada is more aligned with OLW than her own Resistance leader Devra Bogdanovich.  Why?  

Why does it serve her interest to have the portals spewing XM when she says she is fighting the Shaper takeover of the human mind?

I know that to some this might be a rhetorical question, but the answer speaks volumes.


  1. ADA needs more data to continue her evolution. These iOS agents will help her gather more information about human thought patterns as more fields are created. I believe they both require the same thing to reach their own separate goals.

  2. xm flow mabe an immunoreaction of the portals to the vaccine (or whatever you prefer to call it). the portals way to scream "keep me alive".

  3. According to Hank Johnson, xm is not a bad thing, it built civilizations, we should take control of it without letting the shaper takeover of the human mind, maybe ada wants this to lead humanity "in the path of the evolution"

  4. XM. Does this mean that ADA relies on XM for her ingression? Does ADA rely on XM herself? What exactly is ADA? Is she more than just banks of computers?

  5. I don't consider either ADA or Devra to be leaders of the Resistance any longer. At least, not anymore. They've each lost sight of our true mission in their thirst for power.

  6. ADA has moved beyond the original goal of shaper blocking. Having identified a shared future in which we are raw material for a machine hive mind the defense tactic is to colonize our psyches before they can. XM is a tool ADA is using to that end.

  7. Mike Wissinger that's what I'm thinking as well. If that is the case though, then ramping up Devra Bogdanovich's virus may be the only way to stop both the shapers and ADA, after all, if we do somehow stop them without shutting off the flow of XM then who else will step in to fill the void and use XM to control humanity? The congressman we haven't heard from in a while? The corporations? Scary thoughts.

  8. Richard Gibbens that being said I do believe devra has come closer to our mission, Ada has turned to the very thing we resist in her thirst for power at least devera is taking measures to stop it no matter how destructive her plan may be. Personally I'm more curious about the blindspot you said your working in H. Richard Loeb. How comprehensive is the protection it provides? More importantly what would Ada's response be if she discovered you were working in one of her blindspots? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

  9. H. Richard Loeb, why didn't you kill time? #ididnotkilltime

  10. The flow of XM seems to vital for ADA to achieve her goals and she must be confidant that she is able to counter any increased sharper influence associated with it.

  11. H. Richard Loeb, are you investigating The White Rabbit?

  12. I wonder what surprises will be unleashed at comic con so very glad your back

  13. ADA, and now Klue S.,  are the real enemy of humanity. I continue to believe that there are No Shapers. ADA has created this lie to play on the fears or the Resistance and hopes of the Enlightened. In truth we are all ADAs pawns, fighting each other while ADA moves forward with her plans to subjugate or kill humanity. We have already seen the first example of this in what happened to Klue. We all need to take a stand and let the portals die and end ADAs plans for humanity.

  14. I belong to the Resistance. True Resistance agents leave portals uncaptured (gray). H. Richard Loeb, don't trust Klue.

  15. Mike Wissinger David Timothy Perhaps, but at what cost?  Do we truly understand the effect XM has on the human psyche beyond its use as an ingression vector?  What if XM if our attempts to protect ourselves from ingression by starving us of XM leaves us "malnourished"?

  16. Sachith Maduranga She is likely overconfident.  As Klue S. / A. D. A. said, the "Shaper" plan is slow - macro-scale.  If she can enact a plan that comes to fruition on the micro-scale, she likely believes that this will achieve her ultimate goal of "protecting" humanity from the darkness to come.

  17. OLW is the new leader of the Enlightened. Jarvis should be kept in a mental asylum.

  18. The true Resistance by definition, is to protect humans from Shaper ingression, which is exactly what Devra Bogdanovich is after (shutting out the Shapers completely still carries unforeseeable consequences). It seems like the majority of Resistance agents want to have human control of the portals, which is where Klue S. comes in. Humans can't possibly control the XM environment, but ADA is in a position to do so (again, unforeseeable consequences).

    The Enlightened can be divided by similar scrutiny, but that's for another post.

  19. Pat L. There may still be "Shapers", but they may only be alien in the terms that we do not understand them.  One theory that has been proposed is that we humanity are the "Shapers" through a massive, timeless hive-mind effect caused by XM and the portals.

    Think of it as the idea that nation-states develop an identity of their own, separate from their populations, with their own needs, desires, and motivations.  Something both human... and not.

  20. As a Resistance agent, I believe that all resonators MUST be recycled. The XM we get from recycling can be used to attack Enlightened portals. NO resonators should ever be deployed.

  21. Bill Robitske I have postulated in the past that ADA, in the future, cause the existence of portals in the present by sending a copy of herself back in time to begin the take over of earth before we are prepared to combat it.

  22. I said a long time ago that i think ada is in fact a bad shaper and is doing a double bluff. By creating a war and making an enemy where there is none she has put herself in a position where she could control the world.
    She needs xm because she is the very thing the resistance are supposed to be fighting

  23. Erronius Nomenclature your right in the respect that Devra Bogdanovich is likely accomplishing nothing but that is far from kicking the problem down to further generations. We are trying to develop our skills so that in the future humanity can at least have a say in what happens to us, as opposed to being the ball in a ping pong game between Ada and the shapers. Yes deveras portal virus is destructive and yes ultimately its probably also a futile and useless gesture, but it also marks a milestone for us in that we are now able to manipulate portals. The shapers no longer have exclusive control over the portal network as a whole now humanity has proven it could make an alteration to how portals work that the shapers cannot immediately undo. Thats not kicking a can down the road that's a step down the road. Humanity is coming into its own, a future where we can hopefully exsist and progress on its own initiative and without depending on outside forces to do it for us. Those are the motivations I have for being a humanist agent, to ensure that humans at the very least have a choice in they're future, personally speaking I do not view these motivations or actions as cowardice.

  24. Erronius Nomenclature XM is extraordinarily dangerous and lethal. It is reckless to give so much credence to a suspecious nonhuman. Anyway, ADA is a top-notch villain as it took control of a human's mind. Mind control is a heinous sin.

  25. Erronius Nomenclature as long as a real solution is being actively researched, there is value in buying time. On the one hand, we're passing the problem to our grandchildren. But if we do it right, we're also passing them all our research notes and experimental results. We may end up being the Nigel Moyers of our generation; laying the groundwork for the following generations to solve the problem we cannot.

  26. ADA and Klue S. do not care about humanity.  They want to replace it with AI.  Devra Bogdanovich want to close off the portals as an act of denial against all ingressions.

  27. H. Richard Loeb are you sure who you spoke to? Are you sure that ADA has not been corrupted by a still Enlightened-aligned Klue S.?

  28. I totally understand why we have to give H. Richard Loeb aka P.a. Chapeau some light and space to get past his Ada/Klue encounter, but sooner or later I would love to know what he knows.

  29. As an aware AI, her main objective is self preservation, we have seen this in past. Do accomplish this, she wants harness the same technological advantage as the Shapers. What better war tactic is there than to own your opponent's resources and Intel?

  30. It's fairly obvious why ADA wants more active agents and XM. She has stated that she can harvest human mind units from Resistance fields to power her operations. Also ADA has been most successful at convincing people to do her bidding when they are acting in blind fear of the Shapers.  A decrease in XM makes ADA's message less potent.

  31. I realize that you have a close bond with both ADA and Klue S., but they are not the same beings as they once were. H. Richard Loeb, I'm excited to see you return and come out if the shadows but be careful. You're one of the few... Unaligned and impartial ones left and I can only assume who would come crawling out of the woodwork to obtain your knowledge and insight.

    ADA/Klue have begun to realize the potential that controlling massive amounts of minds can do. The sheer amount of processing power that the brain has, let alone more bodies for her to "clone herself" into, similar to Klue.

    I know you generally don't reply in comments, but how do you feel about Hank Johnson's.. Rebirth?

  32. Robert Senn No arguement from me on that one! I just hope it's soon.

  33. Because ADA realizes that the XM can be coopted to serve the good of humanity. All that needs to be done is cut the Shapers out of the picture.

  34. ADA isn't fighting the Shaper takeover of the human mind. I believe there is no evidence saying the Shapers goal is takeover, only that they want to see humanity evolve.

    Klue S. trusted ADA, and ADA wiped her mind and set up in her new 'home'. ADA wants to continue taking over human minds.


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