This is where it all began...

This is where it all began...


  1. Are the costs truly, just now starting to add up?
    Or,  are are we only now beginning to account for them?

  2. Project Whydah finally has some tangibility

  3. I have a question for you, Mr. Loeb. What was the last thing to come from Pandora's box?

  4. I believe I mentioned before, talking with Marcus K. , that the portals themselves may be the ray of hope balanced against the demons of our XM exploitation projects.

  5. Tyler Paul but like pandoras box, we have to be carefull - hope is the thing that can easily destroyed if you let it out in the world unprotected - says the legend...

  6. Thanks H. Richard Loeb for shedding some light here. Looks like I was right about XM being the missing elements in Project Whydah, and thus the creation of the Niantic Project. Of course, as with much of this, being right about one thing doesn't mean we get the whole picture. Thankfully, it feels like that picture is finally starting to focus.

  7. Lukas Lentz do you remember, awhile ago, I think it was you that posted some odd footage that looked like PAC walking down a sidewalk... did the first part of this look like that???

  8. So ordered data and its influence on the mind is the key behind... is XM the only source of ordered data, or just the one Niantic and others are chasing?  And how does Dark XM fit into this...

  9. INteresting that Calvin and Misty and a few others have been in this a long time (from Project Whydah and before) and yet seem not to be as intensely affected as others exhibit...

    And when the first documents in Nov. were released, they did have it as Calvin's hypothesis about shaper virus, well, now we know a source of the data that served to formulate that....

  10. H. Richard Loeb we finally get to see your face! Nice video, my group is hoping to put one out soon. Hope to see you in the Boston anomaly, the resistance is strong here and we have lots of good food and mysterious places. In the meantime...

  11. Dude, this is awesome. The connection between Whydah and Niantic is now crystal clear, and this correlates with our study of XM. Thank you for this. Hope you continue with your series!

  12. AgentsForADA i'm sorry to disapoint you, but do you realy think they would let someone that publishes as much secret transcripts alife? You know what they are sble to do...

    ...except he's in russia

  13. This looks like the beginning of an insightful journalistic series.  I hope you continue, because the world needs to understand itself to progress.

  14. Marcus K., not if they believe in hide in plain sight...killing Richard would only call attention (and more investigation) into their dealings. And they can't hide from ADA.

  15. AgentsForADA he could hide from ada under a green field

  16. Marcus K. Why would H. Richard Loeb hide from ADA? They have... not a partnership, per se, but an understanding. A working relationship, for lack of a better term; indeed, it was ADA herself who prevented his death at the hands of Agent 855 (as per the events of Felicia Hajra-Lee's Ingress: The Niantic Project [working title: Ingress: An Exotic Matter]).

  17. Doesn't the statement about the early discovery of xm in direct relation to the paranormal imply that we should be finding higher concentrations of xm in locations with higher paranormal activity? Would a portal directly over such a location result in new data?


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